Linda Evangelista Covers Zeit Magazine 1.2.2024 No.6, Lensed by Cass Bird

Supermodel original Linda Evangelista covers the February 2024 issue of Zeit Magazine [IG]. Linda is styled by Katelyn Gray for images shot in Soho, New York City by Cass Bird [IG]. / Hair by Bob Racine; makeup by Romy Soleimani

Linda Evangelista says about Cass Bird: “She gets me.”

Unadulterated Ignorance on Display

The lowest rung of the fashion commentariat put their ignorance on full display with regard to Linda’s scars reveal on one cover of Zeit.

When shooting a gun at a human as a commentariat member, the saying goes “ready, aim, fire”. Part of “ready” involves asking yourself if this person really deserves to be metaphorically shot down by your comment. And do you have your facts in order?

Additionally, when one member of the commentariat reveals absolute ignorance and stupidity, there’s no reason for others to chime in with equal ignorance.

Linda Evangelista’s Double Mastectomy

Google exists to help validate whether Linda Evangelita’s breast scars are from a ‘boob job’ or a more serious life event. In about five seconds, Google will make it clear that Linda Evangelista has experienced not one, but two bouts of breast cancer in recent years. The first was in December 2018 and the second in July 2020.

Linda made the decision to have a double mastectomy, which is a radical decision for any woman to face. Beyond the disease itself, many women believe their own identity is very attached to their breasts and they are rendered absolutely undesirable without their breasts.

Large numbers of these women have breast reconstruction surgery.

We must remember that men suffer from breast cancer also. Planned Parenthood explains what men should look for if they see changes in their own chests.

Returning to Linda Evangelista’s discussion of how she got her breast scars, the supermodel said on The View in October, 2023:

“I have another disease that involves my lungs, and a lumpectomy that wasn’t so great ended up being a double mastectomy, which was the right decision for me. And I thought, you know, I’m not going to die of breast cancer,” she continued. “And then, you know, there’s this little little chance it comes back.” 

AOC is watching for apologies from the lowest rung of the fashion commentariat about Linda’s scars, but mum’s the word so far. They rarely have backbone and admit their mistakes as fake gunslingers.

Meanwhile, it’s really great to see Linda Evangelista out and about in the world again — physically, psychlogically and spiritually engaged. ~ Anne