Hunter Schafer Covers Numéro 237 March 2023 in Mugler, Lensed by Harley Weir

Gen Z actor admired by many, Hunter Schafer is one cover star of the March 2023 issue of Numéro [IG] 237, on newsstands now. Harley Weir [IG] photographs the ‘Euphoria’ star styled by Haley Woolens in Mugler.

Hunter Schaffer by Harley Weir for Mugler’s angel fragrance.

The ‘Euphoria’ star is in celebration mode over her appointment as the new face of Mugler’s Angel fragrance collection.

Schafer will collaborate on the next iteration of the Angel Elixir Eau de Parfum, a scent that offers “a new fearless quest for femininity”.

A Covered Eye Unleashes the Conspiracy Theorists

Checking in with Hunter [IG] just now, her comments on the Weir Angel photo, include references to her covering her eye with the Angel fragrance bottle.

I admit to being clueless about folks who spend their days tracking these issues, casting people far and wide into their conspiracy net — in this case as a member of the Illuminati.

On the other hand, historically the Illuminati supported intelligent and powerful women, which does set them apart from the Maga crowd.

The Illuminati

The respect for reasoned thinking, philanthropy, religious enlightenment and other secular values was the bedrock of the Bavarian secret society that operated from from 1776 to 1785, when it was shut down.

In the 21st century, post WWII and the Holocaust, being called a member of the free-mason associated Illuminati is closely grounded in anti-Semitism. In 2016 Putin’s RT network advanced the theory that Hillary Clinton sat at the top of the Illuminati pyramid.

So Hunter Schafer is in good company, and I’m sure she knows what she’s doing. But these Maga folks are terrifying and Hunter has her trans status front and center as well.

May the force be with you, Hunter Schafer. You inspire. ~ Anne

More Hunter Shafer