Anja Rubik Sheds Tears of Joy Over Historic 75% Voter Turnout in Poland's Political Reset

Anja Rubik Instagram

What makes a true supermodel? Anja Rubik voting in Poland’s national elections last weekend, October 15, 2023.

AOC doesn’t keep precise track of individual model’s activism but Anja Rubik, one of the world’s most successful models, has led the way for many years. In her own words:

“How political parties address sexual education issues will have a huge impact on what country we will live in.”

To that end, Anja Rubik is deeply connected as its founder to FUNDACJA SexedPL [IG] FEDERA, a NGO committed to sex education on matters of abortion rights and LGBTQ issues — but also endometriosis, for example.

In the leadup to last weekend’s election, FEDERA x Sexed PL collected a wealth of information about the election positions of all the national candidate parties in Poland.

Our NATO ally and member of the EU is now a country where a third of the country exists as a “red zone” or region that is ‘LGBT-free’, based on local elections referendums. The date of this in-depth CNN investigation is October 2020, and the situation has only worsened in three years.

Putin’s Russia, supported by Trump’s MAGA evangelical voters in America, has been anti-LGBTQ for a decade now. Poland’s gay problem and struggle over abortion rights ended up pitting the government against the European Union — a massive disagreement that demanded resolution.

All reports are that the EU headquarters in Brussels is having a sigh of relief over the Polish election results. Change way from right-wing, authoritarian policies is on the horizon.

Poland’s October 2023 Election Results

Anja wasn’t alone in casting her ballot last weekend. A record turnout of over 74% ousted the right-wing Law and Justice party, or PiS, from power.

The power of young voters was staggering. According to polls, 68.8% of voters aged under 29 turned out, almost a 50% increase from the last parliamentary election in 2019 where 46.4% of voters under 29 years old.

Not fully understanding the Polish voting system, AOC can only report that younger people moved their registrations outside of large cities like Warsaw and into the countryside, where their vote would have more weight.

"If you want to take away the PiS mandate, leave the big city," a typical post read on social media, reassuring people that such strategic voting was perfectly legal.

Abortion was also on the ballot and the female vote was slightly higher than the men’s. The results are:

Anja Rubik: Abortion Rights Activist

Of all the political actions Anja Rubik has taken, her Vogue December 2020 open global letter on abortion rights was a truly courageous and heroic act. Based on my own experiences, I truly worried for months that Anja would be gunned down.

She’s still with us, and AOC can’t imagine just how inspired she must feel right now. Anja Rubik marches to her own drum as a sensual abortion rights activist, LGBTQ rights, and a sustainability-minded human.

These are Anja’s words on IG:

I had tears in my eyes!
I was so moved by your determination and engagement. Some of you stood for hours waiting to cast your vote!
I would like to congratulate and thank everyone! What a turnout! 74,38% !
I'm so very proud!

We are united by our country and our common future. Together we will create a stronger, braver Poland! This is just the beginning!

Huge thanks to all the people and all the organizations involved in promoting election participation.

Next is Anja’s most incredible call to abortion rights activism in December 2020, one that AOC promoted widely but also one that created great concern in my own mind for her safety. It was NOT five minutes of concern but weeks into months.

The results of Anja’s activism are a gift to the whole world — one in a particularly chaotic state right now.

Anja Rubik Covers Vogue Poland December 2020 With Call to Action on Abortion Rights AOC Fashion

Anja Rubik AOC Archives

Anja Rubik has a portfolio of elegant, very sexy fashion editorials shot by the best photographers. Her own body is always making a political statement and Anja does not stand down.

As the pendulum swings again back to freer expression of sexuality — while right wingers try one counter move after another to shut down the reset — Anja’s AOC archives receive considerable attention.

AOC has far to go in a full restoration of her best photoshoots — it’s a LOT of work and thank goddess for Mac hi-res screenshots to deal with 2010!

We are also designating Anja Rubik’s sensual best stories on a separate tag. They include — not in AOC’s usual chronological order by date, but as we redo them — our ongoing commentary.

We will be building out a ‘wing’ of the website from the landing page, dealing with this forever struggle of authoritarians who demand control of women’s sexuality and human sexuality in the aggregate.

Our writing on anti-gay bills in Uganda goes way back 15 years. Note that it was American evangelicals who unleashed this hate in the name of the Christian God in Africa.

The name of God or Allah or Yahweh has unleashed more hate in the world than we can comprehend. God has been used to justify slave ships and extermination of America’s indigenous people.

It’s a given that Anja Rubik will be the ‘Queen’ of this new AOC wing, promoted from the main page, because her own politics are the closest to AOC’s.

Goddess bless Anja Rubik. ~ Anne

True Supermodel Anja Rubik’s Sensual Fashion Stories