Alessandro Esposito Captures 'Cosmic Journey' for Vogue Portugal June 'Yoyage' Issue

Alessandro Esposito Captures 'Cosmic Journey' for Vogue Portugal June 'Voyage' Issue AOC Fashion

Models Alcestes Shaba and Matilde Buoso [on the cover] pose for ‘Cosmic Journey’, a fashion story in the June 2023 issue of Vogue Portugal [IG] ‘Voyage’ issue. Pablo Patanè styles the shoot in images by Alessandro Esposito [IG]/ Hair by Giovanni Iovino; makeup by Simone Gammino

Vogue Portugal EIC Sofia Lucas always delivers an intellectually-substantative issue. In Lucas’ words about The Voyage issue: “We travel to lose ourselves; and we travel to find ourselves.”

I so agree and want to introduce a concept, a more scientific phrase for my sometimes-used phrase about other humans and artists covered on AOC — that we are “travelling on the same moonbeam.”

In my Apple News this morning, a Scientific American headline grabbed my attention with this article: “Brain Waves Synchronize When People Interact.”

Of course, it reminds me of the African, Zulu peoples concept of ‘ubuntu’ or our connectedness to each other — even when we are at war with each other psychologically or with killer weapons.

I do believe that travel — and even digital travel as we experience here on AOC — does bring peoples together, some more tightly than others. The more open-minded the person, the more successful in riches the journey, imo.

So thanks, Vogue Portugal for your many thought-provoking mini trips that you share with us regularly. ~ Anne