Alessandro Esposito Captures 'Cosmic Journey' for Vogue Portugal June 'Voyage' Issue

Models Alcestes Shaba and Matilde Buoso [on the cover] pose for ‘Cosmic Journey’, a fashion story in the June 2023 issue of Vogue Portugal [IG] ‘Voyage’ issue. Pablo Patanè styles the shoot in images by Alessandro Esposito [IG]/ Hair by Giovanni Iovino; makeup by Simone Gammino

Vogue Portugal EIC Sofia Lucas always delivers an intellectually-substantative issue. In Lucas’ words about The Voyage issue: “We travel to lose ourselves; and we travel to find ourselves.”

I so agree and want to introduce a concept, a more scientific phrase for my sometimes-used phrase about other humans and artists covered on AOC — that we are “travelling on the same moonbeam.”

In my Apple News this morning, a Scientific American headline grabbed my attention with this article: “Brain Waves Synchronize When People Interact.”

Note that this is a neutral concept, not one laden with values-driven analysis. The study of collective action and ‘collective neuroscience’ or ‘collective intelligence’ is relatively new.

Of course, it reminds me of the African, Zulu peoples concept of ‘ubuntu’ or our connectedness to each other — even when we are at war with each other psychologically or with killer weapons. It’s the deeply-held sentiment that prompted the great Nelson Mandela to forgive his captors and lead South Africa to a peaceful post-apartheid transition.

I do believe that travel — and even digital travel as we experience here on AOC — does bring peoples together, some more tightly than others. The more open-minded the person, the more successful in riches the journey, imo.

So thanks, Vogue Portugal for your many thought-provoking mini trips that you share with us regularly. You’re not alone, but it’s a small list of companions you have out there in fashion media.

Increasingly, our direct relationships with the brands we love is a better sticky glue in finding fresh synergies.