Variations on Beauty in 'Les Trois Grâces' by Tyler Mitchell for M Le Magazine du Monde

Models Clara Fossar, Isla Gaskin, Ylang Messenguilar are styled by Marie Chaix in ‘Les Trois Grâces’, a spendid addition to M Le Magazine du Monde’s March 4, 2023 fashion issue.

AOC is so pleased to see photographer Tyler Mitchell [IG] again spreading his wings in European media and luxury brands. We believe that many creatives almost stumble into artistic moments of revelation — often without intention or an art director’s vision of where a fashion shoot is going. This may be such a moment for Mitchell.

Fashion world has been obsessed with the concept of duality for the last several years. For the mostpart a complex philosophical idea has been reduced to a soundbite - because, after all, this is what we do in the fashion industry.

After being engaged with the goal of understanding duality for months several years ago— and protesting with my teacher on more than one occasion over where an embrace of duality takes us philosophically, from a values perspective — ‘Les Trois Grâces’ takes me into some of the most interesting psychological terrain of all — the cultural fusion of human history into ‘something else.’

We will leave the concept here for the moment, as it was not my intention to go here, even though I believe it is the biggest unlock that we are facing as humans on this planet.

Tyler Mitchell’s images permeate my thoughts perfectly, and he has opened a door that we will walk though.

I was in this exact conversation two weeks ago, speaking to my impressions about design fusion in Thailand and Cambodia. This philosophical mindfield declared itself to me one night in Bangkok over 25 years ago, and it’s never left me.

The convo was very specifically about the French and not the British as ‘occupiers’.

Two weeks ago I discovered a history lesson that blew me away, and it’s rooted here in America. The discovery is stunning if it’s true, and research is underway to document its validity. It was actually the night I wrote about Pharrell Williams’ appointment at LVMH.

Tyler Mitchell — who specializes in photographing human story narratives — has opened this door of inquiry and evolution, whether he intended to do so or not.

It’s been front and center for several weeks now in my mind, so I will take this French fashion story by Mitchell as a sign to take a deep breath and press forward.

There’s an advantage to maintaining a low social media profile. Serious damage is always limited, although the decision is rooted in my relationships with the photographers. ~ Anne