Michelle Yeoh Covers Town & Country September 2022, Lensed by Ruven Afanador

Actor Michelle Yeoh is a legend in both Hong Kong and Hollywood, and she brings her earthly beauty and sophistication to the cover of Town & Country’s September 2022 issue. Cristina Ehrlich styles the ass-kicking Bond woman in the 1997 ‘Tomorrow Never Dies’ for ‘The Year of Yeoh’ imaged by Ruven Afanador [IG]./ Hair by Davy Newkirk; makeup by Pati Dubroff

Speaking of her outstanding performance as Evelyn Wang in ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’, where she plays a “multiuniverse-jumping laundromat owner”, the actor says: “This story is not about me. . . This story is about many people— mothers, aunties, women out there who walk by you in the supermarket unnoticed. They never have a voice. They’re never the superheroes.”

AOC hasn’t seen the film, but the reviews and high praise suggest that it’s a humdinger. AO Scott writes ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ Review: It’s Messy, and Glorious.

Amy Nicholson sits down with Michelle Yeoh for the Town & Country interview — and you must read it all.

Known for her physical prowess and action film stunts, Yeoh life begins each day with a wonderful ritual. Imagine if we treated our own bodies with so much love and reverence:

She stretches every muscle in her body, notes the day’s creaks and throbs, and apologizes to it for the joy she takes in challenging her limits. I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you.

Forgive me. Did I tell you that Michelle Yeoh is age 60? Yes, that’s a fact.

On August 13, Michelle Yeoh was honored by the American Film Institute [AFI] with a Doctorate of Fine Arts degree, as the first Asian artist to receive the AFI honor. With ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ now four years in the rear-view mirror, Yeoh celebrates the doors that opened for other Asians after the film’s success.