Federico Barbieri at Bonello Near Venice for Spaghetti Magazine

Photographer Federico Barbieri [IG] introduces us to Spaghetti Magazine in this brief excursion to the Bonello Luxury Retreat and Italian restaurant, located about 80 kilometres southwest of Venice. Spaghetti Magazine was founded by Emira M’sakni @love_studio in Milan and Naples. Model Alessia Gatti is styled by Donatella Pia in ‘Cappellacci Rosa’ in this heartfelt celebration of Italian culture and generational ties.

Gatti doesn’t feel any joy, but Spaghetti Magazine is an interesting creative project that sustains an expansive business mode. Translated, making money in 2021 is a complicated labyrinth, but M’sakni leverages a good plan.

The About Us page says: “The choice of the name is dictated by the creator's unbridled love, and by the very history of the origin of "spaghetti", which has always been disputed by the Chinese, the Arabs and the Italians, it is precisely in this internationality of the word that the soul of Spaghettimag resides.” I love it. Even the origin of spaghetti is disputed in our modern world. ~ Anne