Steven Meisel's 10 Fab Female Faces for Zara Studio Fall 2021 Campaign

Steven Meisel on photography, Fabien Baron on art direction and Karl Templer as stylist are in the house for the new Zara Studio [IG] campaign — a creative effort that sings like an opera star. It’s not often that we just look at images and in 5 seconds know the photographer behind them.

Add 10 models who aren’t wooden mannequins, and Zara Studio has — not a remarkable campaign in a fashion history sense — but a unique, superbly-executed campaign that knocks on the doors of women’s psyches with joy, inner convictions and backbone. it makes AOC want a campaign or fashion story with women all around the world roaring in unison.

We love it, and AOC tends to reject campaigns and fashion stories that are formulaic. So Zara, Meisel, Baron and Templer took 10 unique faces: Amar Akway, Chiharu Okunugi, Kirsten Owen, Marisa Berenson, Meadow Walker, Precious Lee, Raquel Zimmermann, Rianne van Rompaey, Sasha Pivovarova and Yumi Nu and mixed a grade AAAAA studio campaign. That IS NOT an easy feat. ~ Anne