Charlize Theron: Scalding in 'Mad Beautiful', UN Hope-Generator in Congo, Ubuntu Values Woman for Dior

Charlize Theron: Scalding in 'Mad Beautiful', UN Hope-Generator in Congo, Ubuntu Values Woman for Dior

Actor Charlize Theron was scalding, an absolutely over-the-top fire goddess in W Magazine’s May 2015 cover story ‘Mad Beautiful’, styled by Edward Enninful in images by Mert & Marcus.

Whatever fashion empress Theron was playing in the 2015 W Magazine fashion story, photographers Mert Alas & Marcus Piggott rendered Anne breathless, inspired and ready to follow the activist actor anywhere.

Charlize Theron is AOC’s ideal woman: smart, sensual and born with great heart and commitment to activism. She is driven by South African ‘ubuntu ‘principles that place her as a member of the interconnected global community.

The actor’s UN work brought her to the Congo in 2010 to meet with 2018 Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Denis Mukwege, founder of Congo’s Panzi Hospital for Raped Women and a close advisor to nearby ‘City of Joy’. Since that time AOC has followed Charlize Theron far and wide — and now into a vastly expanded ambassadorship with Dior.

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Fox News Gender War Goes Lives in 'Bombshell' Opening December 13, 2019 | W Magazine

Fox News Gender War Goes Lives in 'Bombshell' Opening December 13, 2019 | W Magazine

‘Bombshell’, a reference to FOX TV founder Roger Ailes’ preference for blondes, opens in theaters on December 13. The movie details the downfall of the now-deceased Ailes, in a slow drip-drip-drip of sexual harassment allegations against the media genius and co-engineer of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Ailes is largely credited with cultivating the extreme polarization and alternate facts universe in today’s America.

Nicole Kidman plays Gretchen Carlson, the outspoken anchor who launched the Fox News gender war, by suing Roger Ailes, played by John Lithgow. Charlize Theron plays the increasingly outspoken Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, who collided with now President Trump on the presidential debate stage. Margot Robbie plays a composite FOX woman Kayla, happily climbing the FOX News ladder as a “true believer”, writes W Magazine.

W Editor-in-Chief Sara Moonves styles the blockbuster trio for images by Colin Dodgson. Top interviewer Lynn Hirschberg narrates the story. Read on in AOC Fashion