Hermes' Lighthearted Bubbles Sp 2022 Campaign by Jack Davison

Hermes' Lighthearted Bubbles Sp 2022 Campaign by Jack Davison AOC Fashion

Photographer Jack Davison [IG] captures models Cheikh Dia, Merlijne Schorren, Raynara Negrine, and Taemin Park in Hermes’ Spring 2022 campaign. Brian Molloy styles the shoot with set design from Herve Sauvage./ Beauty by Stephane Lancien; makeup by Karim Rahman

Not featured in the Spring 2022 campaign is the Rock, a larger, men’s version of the highly sought-after Birkin bag revealed at Hermes’ recent menswear show. The bag couldn’t come at a better time, with Hermes being one of the few major luxury brands missing its fourth quarter 2021 revenue goals — due to self-imposed production caps on its bags.

Simply stated, supply did not meet demand. Hermes prefers long waiting lists for is bags, and they have one. Perhaps they could put a limit on bag purchases per customer — so we don’t see celebs buying them five at a time in multiple colors. That’s a bit greedy.

Bottom line, a men’s Birkin bag couldn’t come at a better time.