J'Adore: 'Cleavage Creek' Wines

Budge Brown is a man on a mission. He launched his personal crusade by purchasing a wine label guaranteed to stand out on the shelf: Cleavage Creek.

No, no. The 76-year-old Brown is not trying to open his own Playboy mansion. Unlike Hugh Hefner, one woman is apparently enough for Brown, who lost his beloved wife of 48 years to cancer in 2005.

Cleavage Creek wines is Brown’s determination to find a cure for breast cancer.

Each bottle features a real-woman image of a breast-cancer survivor, one of six annual models that inspire passion and joy, not only over the wine, but also their personal stories.

Sensuality and womanly text are woven into each wine variety. There is no embarassment about making the direct connection between pleasure and reality:

I am Heidi, a breast cancer survivor. This is my wine of choice and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. After thriving delightfully in an oak barrel for a full 10 months, this wine is experienced. She expresses herself thoughtfully with the tanginess of lemongrass and the essence of honeysuckle. Her final touch lingers — silky and smooth. Only 150 Cases Made.
$22.00/bottle - $264.00/case

MSNBC reports that Brown donaties at least 10 percent of his gross sales from Cleavage Creek, along with funds of his own, to cancer research. To date, he has given away nearly $60,000 — $40,000 of which just went to Bastyr University for the launch of an Integrative Oncology Research Clinic in Kenmore, Wash.


Dr. Leanna Standish, founder of Bastyr University, is conducting the first long-term study that compares alternative cancer treatments with traditional ones.


MSNBC writes that Standish has been doing integrative treatments for 19 years. Bastyr University is teaming up with the respected Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle to conduct the study, which has the goal of following breast cancer patients for five years to see how they fare with their different treatment approaches.

While not the sole funder of this important, comparative research, Cleavage Creek Wines is an important contributor.

In the world of branding and marketing, professionals typically “run to the hills” over the idea of mixing the gruesome reality of breast cancer with the pleasure of wine drinking.  Yes, we honor breast cancer one month a year.

At Cleavage Creek Wines, the need to work for a cure is always present … on every bottle.

In our ongoing discussion of Cultural Creative vs. Modern Principles, Cleavage Creek is a Cultural Creative idea.

Move over, Hef. There’s a new approach to selling cleavage in town.

Very interesting. Anne