Fertile Women Fantasize A Macho Man If Hers Isn't George Clooney

Credit:Fresh Faces | Haydem & Raul Guerra by Ignacio Lozano via The Fashionisto

Masculine Preferences in Mating

Steven Gangestad of the University of New Mexico has researched female preferences for ‘macho’ males when women are ovulating.

“The effects of facial masculinity and attractiveness fit in a larger picture that has emerged,” another study author, Christine Garver-Apgar of the University of Colorado, said in a statement.

“There’s probably 30-plus papers documenting ovulatory cycle shifts and women’s preferences,” Garver-Apgar told AOL Health. “Those were predicted based on evolutionary theory.”

Primarily male scientists have claimed in the past that evolutionary biology predicts a female preference for a strong, masculine man able to defend home, hearth and her children. 

Recent research allows for a wider research path of inquiry, allowing that women’s preferences may be enculturated and not based solely on evolutionary biology. Perhaps the female has multiple agendas in her mind.

Mating vs Parenting

We forget that nature and evolutionary humanity was not monogamous, except for religious fundamentalists who accept Genesis.  It’s possible that the female seeks the superior gene pool of the macho man but seeks another kinder, gentler man for raising children.

This new research confirms the increasingly common argument that women separate the sexual desire impulses for procreation from their choice of a permanent partner and father to the children.  Human behavioral ecologist Fhionna Moore at the University of Abertay Dundee in Scotland and her colleagues believe that women prefer lower-cortisol men — or ‘chill guys’ for parenting.

Might women unconsciously know that being around stressed-out, hard-driving men can suppress a woman’s immune system and subsequently her reproductive capacity and fertility. Might women unconsciously consider that high-cortisol men could damage her own health? via AOC

Perhaps intuitively, modern women create sensual scenarios that meet the objectives of the assignment at hand. What does a smart woman do when she’s ovulating?

OK Corral, Tombstone, ArizonaFanning Sexual Desire By Fantasizing the Masculine Man

After interviewing 68 couples and women ranging from 18 to 44, with nine couples married, researchers determined that when a woman is ovulating, she doesn’t invent new sexual fantasies if her partner is already a masculine man like George Clooney.

However, if her partner is more feminine-featured, the ovulating female will likely fantasize about a strong, dark and handsome man to jumpstart her interest in sex during this fertility period.

Intelligence has nothing to do with her fantasies or sexual preferences when in fertility mode. The female seeks a ‘macho man’ for mating. If he doesn’t exist, she invents him in her mind.