Charles Dennington's 'Natural Phenomenon' and a Plantiful Plea for Fashion Symbiosis

Models Ploy Rida & Yixin Zhao capture our reflective style selves in ‘Natural Phenomenon’, styled by Melissa Levy. Photographer Charles Dennington [IG] flashes the fashion designed to mimic the colours, textures, vibrant movement and hues of nature. / Hair by Rory Rice; makeup by Isabella Schimid

It’s enticing [some would say deadening] gorgeous and fabulously poetic language to cite the symbiosis between fashion and nature. AOC likes the photography of Charles Dennington, and these images are soothing after a day of lethal information out of Ukraine.

Unfortunately, I’m reading this moment ‘The Myth of Sustainable Fashion’, a new — and very depressing — article in the Harvard Business Review.' It’s so depressing I sought solace in Dennington’s images, but my melancholy mood followed me when I read the copy.

It serves no purpose to accuse a writer of greenwashing in Vogue Australia’s poetic intro copy about ‘Natural Phenomenon’. Symbiosis is a lovely word, but it does not apply in a fashion story, unless it’s a story about truly sustainable fashion. This beauty is not.

By definition, ‘symbiosis’ involves interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association for the mutual benefit of both. There is zero mutual benefit to nature from the excessive desires of fashion consumption. None that I know of.

A Fashion Show for Plants at End of Spring and Fall Cycles

Now this might work, in this spirit of the true meaning of symbiosis. Remember when the Barcelona concert hall had a concert for plants? Designers make a 3-minute presentation of how their new collection has created real symbiosis with the audience of nature. Inform, inspire and entertain the audience.

MIT researchers can wire up the plants and will be able to tell through vibrations which designers are receiving the greatest enthusiasm from the audience — just like the end of the video. Prince Charles, Megan and Harry, Kate and William can give out the awards — solving another symbiotic problem.

Prince Charles has wired up plants previously and is an expert on plant communication. Even the most right-wing publications apologized for laughing at the Prince, when one research project after another confirmed that plants communicate. And yes, they like music.

The top winners will receive Oscars for the best symbiosis in different categories — streetwear, evening wear. You get the idea. Then Charles Dennington can photograph the winning clothes each season for Vogue Global — since he inspired this idea — and we will either shame or inspire the fashion industry to get serious about sustainability. REALLY serious.

Okay, I’m feeling better now. Charles Dennington, this is the first time AOC ever tried to get a photographer a plum gig in advance. I have my favorites, but this is a step outta my lane. Let’s make this happen. ~ Anne