Artemis 1 Mission Now Eyes Saturday Two-Hour Window Opening 2:17 pm ET | Bad Florida Weather Looms

Artemis 1 Mission Now Eyes Saturday Two-Hour Window Opening 2:17 pm ET | Bad Florida Weather Looms

NASA space agency will try again to launch its Artemis 1 mission moon rocket— the most powerful ever — on Saturday pm September 3. Complications continue.

Looming weather and hydrogen-loading issues cancelled Monday’s Artemis 1 launch.

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"We are stressing Orion beyond what it was actually designed for, in preparation for sending it to the moon with a crew," said Cabana, last week. "And we want to make sure that it works absolutely perfectly when we do that."

Orion is the space capsule traveling on a 32-story rocket, and NASA intends to push it beyond every possible limit. With this mindset driving the mission, the team will take chances not possible with humans on board. One assumes that the dummy data will tell scientists if they lived or died.

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