Ancient Water Stories Inspired by Chloe Magno in Vogue Thailand by Amie Milne

Ancient Water Stories Inspired by Chloe Magno in Vogue Thailand by Amie Milne AOC Body

Rising model Chloe Magno covers Vogue Thailand Beauty [IG] April 2024 issue, devoted to emerging, holistic trends in wellness and beauty.

Magno’s fashion story ‘Wellness Wisdom’ is styled by Holly Gorst with images by Amie Milne [IG] and the editorial eye of Vogue Thailand EIC Kullawit Laosuksri./ Hair by Mark Francome Painter; makeup by Victoria Bond

Today, AOC’s interest in wellness and wisdom is focused on the heritage of Vogue Thailand — a country Anne has visited many times for both vacation and business — and its neighbors Cambodia and Vietnam.

The Mekong Basin: Ancient Wisdom and Water Reverence

In the heart of Southeast Asia, the Mekong Basin unfurls as a testament to the ancient wisdom and reverence for water held by the peoples living in this region. Their differing histories and customs are united by their respect for the region’s waterways. This region considers its rivers and springs not merely as sources of sustenance but as sacred entities that cradle life and civilization.

Water Deities in Thailand

Thai folklore is especially replete with tales that intertwine the essence of water with divine wisdom and guidance. Central to these narratives are water deities and legendary creatures that inhabit rivers, lakes, and oceans, embodying the vital connection between the physical and spiritual realms.

Among these revered entities is Phra Mae Khongkha (Mother of Waters), a goddess who is believed to preside over Thailand's waters, ensuring their abundance and fertility. Her presence underscores the reverence for water as a source of life and a pathway to enlightenment. Folk tales often depict her interacting with humans, teaching them respect for nature’s cycles and emphasizing harmony between earthly existence and spiritual truths.

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