Gucci's Hortus Deliciarum High Jewelry Collection Campaign Is Divinely Inspired

Gucci High Jewelry June 2021 by Glen Luchford (1).jpg

Gucci's Hortus Deliciarum High Jewelry Collection with Jodie Turner-Smith

British actor Jodie Turner-Smith stars in Gucci’s latest High Jewelry collection, named Hortus Deliciarum or ‘Garden of Delight’. Is Gucci trying to channel Biblical imagery with the female Eve getting humanity kicked out of the Garden of Eden, nearly bringing down the entire human race — or so men wrote?

Clearly Turner-Smith is up to the bad girl, boss lady role as she lounges draped in jewels. taking a midnight dip accompanied by a snake and bird. Not too much ambiguity in these lush images by Glen Luchford [IG] Is that Diana Ross’s ‘Love Hangover’ in a blast from the past campaign video?

The new Hortus Deliciarum collection includes more than 130, most one of a kind and its motifs are divided into four chapters inspired by the majestic beauty of the natural world, star-crossed skyscapes, and breath-taking sunsets, writes Gucci Twitter.