Crystal Renn's 'Oh My Lord & Taylor' Campaign

Crystal Renn looks simply ravishing in her new Lord & Taylor ad campaign. We wish Crystal Renn nothing but good fortunes as she celebrates success in her modeling career.

Having expended too much energy in Crystal Renn’s public commentary on women and body image, I explain in the article next door why I’m removing Renn as a positive voice on women and body image. (See Fashion & Feminism | Crystal Renn’s Miss America Chanel Moment. )

I’m a little annoyed to hear that Crystal Renn now feels pressured by media and supporters to be a certain size. Having defended her tooth and nail, her new Ford model video leaves me cold. You see, people like me are now Renn’s problem, and I admit that’s a mouthful to swallow.

I decided to check out the reactions others have to Crystal Renn’s Miss America video. Meet Bryony Gordon, writing for the Telegraph UK.

If I had a quid for every time someone in the fashion industry moaned about body image, I could buy out a designer department store. Except I probably wouldn’t fit in to any of their clothes. And if I did fit in them, I would be considered plus-size, simply because I have boobs, a bit of a belly, and a bum. And yet it now seems that us normal women are to blame for the ills of the fashion world, because we once had the temerity to ask why designers used “models” who looked like they had just escaped from death camps.

Still, that’s a neat trick Crystal’s pulled there, flipping the size zero argument on its head. As we make our slow progress through another flurry of fashion weeks, it seems that the whole debate has moved on anyway. Because if you really want to make it big in modelling, you don’t need to lose weight, just change sex. Yes, the two biggest female models of the moment, Lea T and Andrej Pejic, are actually men. Fashion: completely loopy and best ignored, until the day it eventually decides to eat itself.

I think I have a soul mate. Best of luck to Crystal Renn. We won’t be fawning over her any more, now that we understand she loathes it so much. LOL Anne


images via Madison Plus