Easeamine Anti-Wrinkle Cream: Beyond Divine Intervention, What Do We Know About the Product?

On April 22, 2009 I wrote a post on wrinkle cream and activism: Divine Intervention? Easeamine Dual Purpose Skin Cream Fights Wrinkles on Behalf of the Haves and the Have Nots.

In yet another act of Divine Intervention, Anne of Carversville is receiving major web traffic from readers searching for information about Easeamine.

Our rank today in both Google search and Google images puts us right under the Easeamine website, in an Easeamine Google search.

My post today on Easeamine isn’t focused on the creative activism of Carmelites in Massachusetts.

Today we’re talking wrinkles and what we actually know about Easemine, before we buy one of the 32,000 tubes the Carmelites must sell, to break even on the product.

Because this is a charity — one many of us would like to support — I must point out that it’s unclear to me exactly what the Carmelites own, when it comes to Easeamine. They do not own the patent to the product.

The only real information that we have on Easeamine is the before and after photos on the website. They are impressive.

Photos from Easeamine.com

Before using Easeamine

After 12 weeks of EaseamineWhen I first wrote the Easeamine article, it never occurred to me that my own reputation for excellence could be impacted by the product’s efficacy and reliability. Does it work? What are the ingredients? Am I allergic to any of those ingredients? Is it natural, organic? Does it contain lead?

What are fair standards in the beauty industry for online selling of 40 grams of Easeamine at a price of $65.00?

Before using EaseamineAfter 12 weeks of Easeamin


Today’s NYTimes features a story Skin Deep - A Simple Smooch of a Toxic Shock? We want to know how much lead — if any — is in our lipstick brand and all the beauty products in our medicine cabinets.

I will advise you in advance, that as of this writing, Easeamine drops the ball in a major way, when it comes to product ingredient information. Mum’s the word.

My decision to pursue the subject of Easeamine in a more analytical way, came after researching the product extensively and finding so little information available. One of the few articles online, not a duplicate of the original feature, was written by the California Surgical Institute Blog, Botox-Like Wrinkle Eraser Discovered by Accident.

Before using EaseamineAfter 12 weeks of Easeamine

Note that there’s a minor conflict of interest between the California Surgical Institute Blog and Easeamine, which isn’t sold via doctors, as an alternative to botox.

However, the article Botox-Like Wrinkle Eraser Discovered by Accident confirms the esteemed credentials of James Dobson, Jr.,Ph.D., the cardiovascular physiologist, research scientist and University of Massachusetts professor, who worked for years on developing a natural biological substance, adenosine to combat heart disease — and discovered that his adenosine also builds collagen to plump facial wrinkles.

The California Surgical Institute Blog agrees that the photos on Easeamine’s efficacy appear to be authentic.

No Peer-Reviewed Clinical Studies

A couple years ago I worked on a superb women’s sexual lubricant, one which also had impressive results in initial testing. Working with venture capitalists to raise funds for the product, I came to understand the importance of peer-reviewed clinical studies, which are expensive to conduct.

When the California Surgical Institute Blog asked both Dr. Dobson and Carmel Laboratories, LLC in Worchester, Massachusetts about any clinical studies, the answer was and they quote: “At this point in time we are overwhelmed with requests such as yours, and cannot process and answer these requests adequately. We will keep you in mind for future consideration.”

The blog follows up with this comment, having nothing to do with my own opinion of Easeamine (I have none.)

Sounds like we applied for a job, huh? Anyhow, we leave you to draw your own conclusions.

While Easeamine probably won’t be hyped as much as the new wrinkle remover Dysport, it could work, if you trust the before and after pictures.

Note that the Dysport product, referred to, IS a product that will be sold by doctors and cosmetic procedure specialists, as an alternative to Botox. Dysport was just approved by the FDA end of April, 2009.

Saturday: Easeamine is only sold online at their website. With so little information about Easeamine, the best way to evaluate the product’s selling proposition is to compare it with prestige competitors in a similar business.

This weekend we will compare the online sales presentation of Easeamine with three similarly-priced, small company competitors who have established an excellent reputation in skin care. They are Dr. Hauschka, Dr. Perricone’s Anti-aging Wrinkle-fighting System, and Intelligent Nutrients.

See finished article: Selling Easeamine: Compared to Dr. Hauschka Skin Care; Dr. Perricone’s Anti-Aging Wrinkle-fighting System; and Intelligent Nutrients;

This exercise is not intended to compare product efficacy but product presentation and consumer-speak. You can do it yourself this minute by following the links.

Unfortunately, you will find Easeamine’s website woefully inadequate, in terms of customer information, compared to its competitors’. I assume that the lack of any ingredient information is legal, but woefully lacking for a high-end beauty product.

As my readers, you are coming to me for information and advice about Easeamine, when very little exists. As a learning experience for all of us, we will evaluate what quality companies offer us, in terms of consumer experience, in an effort to persuade us to buy their face creams, promoting healthy skin.