Alan Simpson Blasts Republicans As Anti-Women, Homophobic

I wasn’t watching Alan Simpson on Hardball last night — because I’ve sworn off Chris Matthews. But I did hear Simpson on Eliot Spitzer’s CNN ‘In the Arena’.

In my recollection, Alan Simpson didn’t talk about former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum. When Simpson began speaking about abortion, I almost hugged the television set.

These comments are from Hardball, via Huff Po.

“Who the hell is for abortion?,” asked Simpson, who has developed a reputation for making blunt and colorful remarks. “I don’t know anybody running around with a sign that says, have an abortion, they’re wonderful. They’re hideous. But they’re a deeply intimate and personal decision, and I don’t think men legislators should even vote on the issue.”

Simpson went on to address the issue of gay rights. “Then you’ve got homosexuality,” he said. “You’ve got ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ We have homophobes in our party. That’s disgusting to me. We’re all human beings. We’re all God’s children. … [Former Pennsylvania senator Rick] Santorum has said some cruel things, cruel, cruel things about homosexuals. Ask him about it. See if he attributes the cruelness of his remarks years ago. Foul.”

This is what Santorum, a Catholic strongly embraced by LifeSiteNews,  said in an AP interview about homosexuality and a sodomy law in Texas:

‘If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual (gay) sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything.

In a statement that gave me the only peace I’ve had in this Republican War on Women, Conservative Republican Alan Simpson closed out both his Chris Matthews interview and also with Eliot Spitzer:

‘I’m not sticking with people who are homophobic, anti-women, you know, moral values while you’re diddling your secretary while you’re giving a speech on moral values. Come on. Get off of it.’

This is the truth of these Republican morality men who have declared war on America’s women. Who will help me tally the percentage of the high and mighty men who live in disgrace? Simpson knows what he’s talking about.

So we have one Republican man taking a position on behalf of American women? Is there a second?

On the subject of pornography, Conservatives run circles around the rest of us … unless you believe all those documented subscriptions from Conservative states represent the guys doing their jobs, taking care of monitoring pollution for the rest of the country. Anne