FOX 'Firefly' | 'Let's Roll' Against Religion's War on American Women

When I wrote The Merits of Going Through Life, Thinking You’re a Firefly in February 2008, I didn’t know that Christina Hendricks played Saffron in the short-lived, 2002 FOX series that inspired many and still has a cult following.

In all honesty, I can see the show not playing well on FOX. The Firefly women may have plenty of Sarah Palin in them at first glance, but they are far more radical and liberated than religious Conservatives will ever allow women to be.

Firefly and Srenity: Defying Gravity

It’s rather ironic that in my answer to the Republican War on Women, I would call up a FOX-sponsored production, but ‘Firefly Is My Answer’.  After posting yesterday’s  ABC Shows Radical, Biblical Punishment of Baptist Church Sect, I truly understand that the attack against American women runs far deeper than I understood. The misogyny is beyond my comprehension, but listening to the fundamentalist preachers featured in the expose has set me straight.

There was a massive, fundamental contradiction in ‘Firefly’ from its inception. There is no room for the uppidity heroine in the Republican War on women, except as a Sarah Palin catalyst to get women to give up their rights and submit to God, represented by men until God can get to us.

This is what Sarah Palin seeks and she is widely quoted as saying these words. God makes exceptions for his evangelical go-go girls, so presumably Todd doesn’t have to show Miss Sarah who’s boss in the bedroom, but then again …

Rachel Maddow showed footage last night of Texans threatenting to withdraw from the Union. All I can say is that Texans aren’t the only people fighting mad.

Rachel Maddow: Civil War Politics Here Again

This Eastern, formerly Republican woman who voted for Reagan and Bush the father, will not go quietly into the night. I will not stand quietly like some obedient woman, as females are rounded up in America, our bodies called incubators for Republican men and magistrates who now probe us and prod us with their pokers.

The Sarah Palin crowd isn’t the only one with strong convictions. This Yankee is ready to start her own rebellion and the final showdown with America’s male-led, moraity police. In Texas they say it’s a fight to the finish.

Writing four blocks from the Founding Fathers and Independence Hall, I say ‘you’re on.’ Anne

Liberty Bell, Independence Hall Philadelphia, Pa