Kim Basinger Talks Strong Woman Status, Fifty Shades Darker To The Edit

Kim Basinger Fronts 'Strong Suit' Lensed By David Bellemere For The Edit Magazine AOC Fashion & Style

Actor and activist Kim Bassinger reflects with The Edit on her 2002 public, very nasty divorce from Alex Baldwin, her daughter Ireland, her role as Christian Grey's former lover in 'Fifty Shades Darker. '

I'm sure there are people who associate me with 'Fifty Shades Darker' because I starred in 9½ Weeks,' she said. 'But the only reason I accepted the role [of Christian Grey’s ex-lover, Elena Lincoln] in Fifty Shades was because my daughter, Ireland, insisted. 

She said, ‘You have to do it, Mom, it’s really powerful for women. Your character is about a woman’s power.’ At first I thought, ‘Eww, I can’t do that dominatrix stuff, it’s not me.’ But it’s not like that. My character’s strength is more emotional and mental – she shows Christian all his moves.”

All Women Should Come Into Their Own Power

Basinger continues with The Edit, reflecting on her powerful role as the dominatrix, which is in direct opposition to her role as the submissive partner in 'Nine and A Hafl Weeks', one of my favorite films. The movie is very different from the book -- which is a horrible, stomach-churning read about a woman who nearly dies in her submissive role.

My character Elena is the woman who came into power early. I know this character: I don’t have to read the books, I feel her. I’d love to see every woman come into their power. If I could equate her to anyone, in terms of the adversities she’s had to overcome, it would be Coco Chanel – she faced challenges growing up, and became one of the greatest designers who will ever live. That’s what Elena is like: she doesn’t have to be crass or petty, she’s just very direct.

Indeeed, Basinger delivered one of the sexiest scenes in movie history, in the kitchen with Mickey Rourke for 'Nine and A Half Weeks'. The movie explores power sharing in a BDSM-lite fashion, and the ending delivers Basinger to strong woman status. 

Kim Basinger's Victories For Whales & More Life Wisdom

"If it puts all heaven in a rage to see a songbird in a cage, then it surely puts every decent soul on Earth in one to see a marine mammal in a cement tank. ~ Kim Basinger'

When AOC last checked in with Kim Basinger in 2013, she was credited -- along with the movie 'Blackfish' --  for saving the importation of 18 beluga whales from Russia to the Georgia Aquarium.

Basinger also joined a long list of activists and celebrities demanding that SeaWorld phase out its program of captive orcas for public display. Victory came of these ardent activists when SeaWorld announced last month that it's ending its program and will not breed any further orca whales.

These are the victories that give Basinger, now 62, great pleasure. On the subject of great men, kindness and humour are high on her list -- not that Kim Basinger has for one moment given up her sex goddess status. On the topic of aging, Kim Basinger shares life wisdom.

"The best part of aging is learning to shed all the s*** that has weighed you down your whole life. People don't bother me so much. It's not my business what they think of me. I was more self-conscious when I was younger; I took stuff too seriously. If I could go back, I'd let rip more!"

Kim Basinger's new movie 'Mr Nice Guys' is out May 20. ~ Anne