On 40th Anniversary of Roe v Wade, 70% of Americans Support Abortion Law Decision

French Roast News

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A new poll from NBC/WSJ indicates that support for Roe v. Wade is growing in America, on this 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that made abortion a private matter between a woman and her doctor. 

Seven in 10 Americans do not want the controversial decision overturned, while admitting that there are circumstances in which abortion should not be legal. 

Recognizing that the majority of Americans support abortion rights, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and other social conservative groups have sought to make abortion impossible on a state by state basis by passing laws that make operating women’s health clinics that offer any tie to an abortion provider illegal. 

“I don’t need a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe,” said Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life, an antiabortion law firm that works with state groups on local legislation. “Clinic regulations do actually challenge Roe.”

70% Americans Support Roe

A new poll from the nonpartisan Pew Research confirms a similar view about not overturning Roe v Wade among Americans. 

As the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision approaches, the public remains opposed to completely overturning the historic ruling on abortion. More than six-in-ten (63%) say they would not like to see the court completely overturn the Roe v. Wade decision, which established a woman’s constitutional right to abortion at least in the first three months of pregnancy. Only about three-in-ten (29%) would like to see the ruling overturned. These opinions are little changed from surveys conducted 10 and 20 years ago.


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John Mackey: I reject the premise that liberal and libertarian values are necessarily in conflict. In fact, I often self-identify as a “classical liberal.” I am pro-choice, favor legalizing gay marriages, protecting our environment, enforcing strict animal welfare protection laws (I’ve been an ethical vegan for 10 years), marijuana legalization, having a welfare safety net for our poorest or disabled citizens, and a radically reduced defense budget and military presence around the world. However, I’m also a conscious capitalist—I believe economic freedom and entrepreneurship are the best ways to end poverty, increase prosperity, and evolve humanity upward. I believe that all forms of socialism have been proven over time to result in a loss of both economic and civil liberties, with increasing poverty. The truth is that I don’t fit into a simple ideological box. I read widely on issues, try to think carefully about them, and then I make up my own mind.

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