NOTVOGUE Ministry Says Anna & Grace Are Retreads, But Terry Is . . . ?

Vogue Editor-in-chief Anna Wintour with Creative Director Grace Coddington


It’s a point well made, from this disruptive zinger of a blog that features an image of Terry Richardson in the Masthead. NOTVOGUE is supposed to be underground and irreverent. Like Terry Richardson?

Not so. In this case, NOTVOGUE is simply self-serving and another form of Terry Richardson, bottomless-pit narcissism.

The two femmes above may begin with the conclusion, but their brains’ alpha cells are more prolific than Terry’s by millions. If all three are guilty of redundant thinking, can we agree that Anna and Grace perform redundancy  on a higher intellectual bar?

Terry Richardson is a hack — the hack of hacks — and this viewpoint comes from someone who is completely happy with models taking off their clothes.

I encourage going nude in fashion publications and wish Anna would loosen up — but ladies, find a photographer who captures beauty, personality, and emotion in her/his images. Find a photographer with techniques and artistry.

Just Another Pornographer

Why take your clothes off for Terry Richardson when Hugh Hefner will pay you to sit on blogs next to blog headlines that say The Top 100 Hottest Porn Stars.

I simply do not understand why all these models are trotting their beautiful behinds over to Terry’s Studio. Is he really that great a kingmaker? If a model says “no”, she is finished?

I seriously doubt this fate will befall the fashion model who says “Gee, Terry, I don’t think I want to be your twin, your pinup billboard. After all, you’re kinda cool — but you have talented-guy limits; and I don’t think I want to prostitute myself in this way.”

Talent and hubris are two different commodities. Terry Richardson is rich in the latter.

When I saw Barbara Palvin’s Terry’s Studio visit, my impression of her went down a few notches. 

I just don’t get it. Besides his notoriously well known, big c*ck (and goodness knows I’m a fan of those), what’s up with taking your clothes off for Terry Richardson.

Talk about Stepford Wives!!

Call me clueless as to what makes models tick. Call me also not so in love with NOTVOGUE anymore.

If you think Anna and Grace have become commercial hacks — but Terry Richardson isn’t — then think again, NOTVOGUE. You’re just another Terry Richardson PR machine ~ Anne