Peony Feeding Frenzy: Mother Nature at Work

Peonies are among my very favorite flowers … so voluptuous and womanly. You must admit, peonies never come off as sweet young things. They are MILF flowers for certain.

Looking at rhubarb photos, I came across this peony pic.

ants working the peonyI agree with Pocket Farmer, purveyor of scads of delicious flower and vegetable photos on Flickr, that ants working the peony so that it will burst open in its intoxicating loveliness, is a splendid example of a symbiotic relationship in nature.

If only it were true. Investigating the relationship between peony and ant, I come up with a far less enchanting explanation.

According to Gardenopus, ants are “attracted to the sweet resin exuded on the flower buds.” This is not so much an example of symbiotic cooperation and nurturing in nature, as one creature feasting on another.

I’ve long seen peonies as among the most seductive of flowers, and it makes perfect sense that ants seek to feast on their beauty, even in advance of the big debut. Waiting for the unveiling become just too torturous.

Feverish Thoughts also offers the “symbiotic relationship” explanation for ants crawling on a peony bud. This time the ants are acting as protector against invasive insects. Hmmm.

Peony bud covered in ants|Breath of Life Photography

In even more eloquent fashion, Lesie Land gives us the same lowdown on ants and peonies.  As for me, well I just seize any opportunity to write about these erotic showgirls.

macro peony from alfred ngConsider the photos a pre-spring tease.

Love, Anne