Hillary Dominates New Zogby Poll As Biden Again Stresses "Abortion Is Always Wrong"

Biden: ‘Abortion Is Always Wrong’

Draft Biden chairs get private invitation to see Pope in Washington Daily Mail UK

Following the story that Vice President Joe Biden used the privilege of his office to invite both co-chairs, Kevin McCarthy and Teri Hawks Goodmann, who are leading Biden’s draft Biden movement in Iowa, and were active in Biden’s 2008 Iowa campaign, to DC for prime spots in Pope Francis’s schedule, we followed links not only in the local Iowa papers, but then onto the reliable London rag Daily Mail.

This was quite a stopover for HWN where we listened to a most interesting discussion with the US Vice President on abortion and life beginning at conception.

Does that mean Vice President Biden would accept a personhood amendment for fertilized eggs, if passed by Congress? That very specific question wasn’t asked.

To be accurate here, Vice President Biden did say that ” … I’m not prepared to impose doctrine that I’m prepared to accept on the rest of [the country].”

Hillary Dominates Zogby Poll

With Biden In or Out, Hillary Dominates Forbes

“A brand new Zogby Analytics Poll of 515 likely Democratic primary/caucus voters nationwide, with a margin of sampling error of +/- 4.3 percentage points, shows that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton holds a huge lead over all of her rivals for the nomination. The new poll, conducted online September 18 and 19, has Mrs. Clinton leading Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders 52% to 24%, with former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley at 3%, former Virginia Senator Jim Webb with 2%, and 19% either undecided or choosing another candidate.
Mrs. Clinton leads by wide margins among men (46% to 29%) and women (58% to 20%), Democrats (60% to 21%), liberals (63% to 29%), moderates (48% to 26%), conservatives (46% to 17%), Hispanics (52% to 24%) and African Americans (65% to 20%). She and Mr. Sanders are close only among independents with Mrs. Clinton at 33% to Mr. Sanders’ 31% and 31% undecided.

Hillary Headlines Sept. 23

Clinton proposes $250 monthy cap on prescription drug costs Reuters

Bloomberg Poll; Joe Biden Now Top Presidential Choice for 1 in 4 Democrats Bloomberg

FBI Said to Recover Personal E-Mails From Hillary Clinton ServerBloomberg

Is Hilary Clinton ‘likable enough’?CNN Money

Emails show Huma Abedin’s ties to private consulting firm Politico

Email woes, Sanders surge rattle Clinton’sHill backers Politico

Hillary Clinton 2016: No. SEIU and AFSCME endorsement for ClintonPolitico

Hillary Clinton Proposes Cap on Patients’ Drug Costs as Bernie Sanders Pushes His Plan NYTimes

Why Aren’t We Inspired by Hillary Clinton? The New Yorker