Hillary Clinton Endorsed By United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners As She Supports New WAGE Act

If I was a Bernie Sanders supporter and knew that his entire 21st century vision for revitalizing America is a trillion $$$ infrastructure project to rebuild America’s broken roads and bridges, I would be shocked to learn that Hillary Clinton just received the endorsement of the half a million plus-strong United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners. It’s not her first big endorsement from unions that would benefit directly from Bernie’s proposed infrastructure plan.

Bernie Sanders Promises 90-95% Of New Jobs To Men

HillaryWomen News shares our validated 2014 statistic that only 1.7% of carpenters nationwide are women — and we doubt cement mixers are any higher, or bricklayers and everyone else associated with rebuilding America’s infrastructure.

Consequently, I am formally redefining the critical argument made as recently as Sunday about Bernie being focused on creating jobs for men.

I was using another feminist’s estimate that 76% of Bernie’s proposed jobs would go to women. Based on doing a bit of research myself just now, I have no idea where she got that projection. Until I clarify that 76% of jobs will go to men in Bernie’s platform (and we have had a formal request out there), I am adopting the arbitrary estimate of 90% of jobs will go to men in Bernie’s proposal (and that may be generous.)

It seems to me that if union members in the construction industries really believed that Bernie could get a trillion $$$ infrastructure through Congress, they would support him. Clearly, they are looking for a more realistic, seasoned candidate with strong alliances in Congress — and on both sides of the aisle — to move America forward.

Progress Takes a Village

Hillary Clinton is not an island onto herself. If the very union members Bernie Sanders promises to protect are supporting Hillary Clinton, I think Bernie believers should take a quiet walk in the woods … or along the water … or in some other quiet and serene place where a reality check about America’s future can take root in your fine, caring, concerned-about-America minds.

These construction-related endorsements are shockers and should be sobering to the Bernie Sanders flock.. ~ Anne

First published on Anne Enke’s FB page

Hillary Endorses WAGE Act

Hillary Clinton Endorses Wage Act, Union-Backed Labor Law Reform Bill  International Business Times

Minutes before — or shortly after receiving her six major union endorsement from the xxx Hillary Clinton tweeted her support for the Workplace Action for a Growing Economy Act — known as the Wage Act — a union-backed bill introduced in Congress last week.

The bill is sponsored by Washington state Senator Patty Murray and Virginia congressman Bobby Scott. Senator Murray endorses Hillary Clinton for president months ago. Scott has not endorsed a 2016 candidate.

‘The act would create new protections for workers who are attempting to unionize and give additional powers to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

If the bill were to pass, it would require the NLRB to go to court on behalf of workers fired for attempting to unionize. It would also establish damages and back pay for such workers, give similar protections to immigrant workers without work authorizations and even establish penalties against employers who violate workers’ rights.”

Hillary Headlines Sept. 22

Hillary Clinton rolls out drug price plan as one drug cost rises 5000% CBS

Grasssley blasts FBI over Clinton emails Politico

Biden insiders feel Clinton stalkingPolitico

Hillary Clinton Emoji Headed to Cellphones WSJ Wire