Media Continues To Promote Biden Entry In 2016 Campaign While #HillaryMen Says 'Too Late, Joe: She Survived'

Joe Biden’s 2016 Moment Is Gone, Hillary Has Withstood the Summer Assault #HillaryMen

In politics, as in life, timing is everything.
For a moment this summer, the gatekeepers of our national conversation believed they had achieved their singular mission: to derail Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
In the midst of that fierce summertime attack, some Democrats lost their nerve and succumbed to the seductive sirens of the anti-Hillary commentariat who floated a series of male saviors for the Democratic Party, shining knights who could salvage them from the supposed “dream-turned-nightmare” of the first woman president.
As we approached that nadir, according to the pundits, our Vice President would step in and save the day, rescuing America from the “weak woman.”
Here’s the problem for Joe Biden, a good and decent man whom we admire and respect tremendously: that moment has passed.
Hillary has survived one of the fiercest assaults ever launched against a political leader.

Clinton On the Move

Clinton’s Lead Over Sanders GrowsCNN

Morning Joe practically accused the polls of being wrong just now. Trust us, we don’t hang on them either at this point. Mitt Romney went into the 2012 election ahead in the polls. But at least it may shut up the media for a day or two.

A new CNN poll puts Hillary ahead by 18 points, with Clinton being backed by 42% of Democratic primary voters; Sanders by 25% and Biden by 22%. This result has forward motion for Clinton, who was at 37%, Sanders at 27% and Biden at 20% in the same poll a month ago.

Candidate Clinton is in Louisiana this morning, where going nowhere Republican 2016 presidential candidate Gov. Bobby Jindal has challenged her to a health care debate, reports TIME.

137 Billionaires Join Giving Pledge

2016 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders demonizes billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah and Warren Buffett and demands that we throw the deadbeats out of America if necessary.

In July 2015 the Vermont Senator said in front of a large crowd in Dallas: ‘Your Greed is Destroying America, and We Are Going to End Your Greed’, writes D Magazine.

Without condoning billionaires and how each made his or her money, reminds us that137 bilionaires have pledged to use their money for good. The campaign was announced in 2010 by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, with 85% of the billionaires living in the US, if not born here.

Read details of GlobalCitizen’supcoming concert in Central Park.

Hillary Headlines Sept. 21

Why Hillary Clinton keeps racking up key endorsements even as Sanders surges and Biden weighs getting inVOX

Hillary Clinton tops Democratic field in MIssouri presidential

Hillary Clinton to go on offense over GOP repeal of ObamacareWashington Post

Democrats demand more debate time as intra-party rift reaches boiling point The Guardian

Joe Biden’s ‘Anita Hill’ ProblemPolitico

Missed It

Hillary’s Plan to Save the PlanetDaily Beast