Spittin' Sisters Call for Statement from Michigan's Governor Snyder l Liberty Chooses Her Own Destiny l Harlots in the Kitchen

The Spittin’ Sister in Michigan is asking for your help. There is the slightest possibility that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder knows that the Republican War on Women has spun out of control in Michigan, censoring freedom to utter the word “vagina” on the House floor, when the same word is used three times in the legislation passed by this body.

See Eve Ensler’s ‘The Vagina Monologues’ Will Be Read With Eve Ensler at Michigan Capitol June 18th.

Governor Snyder has proven he is willing to veto negative and damaging legislation handed to him by his party by rejecting voter suppression laws in Michigan.

Now is the time to demand that Michigan’s Governor make a statement regarding the draconian anti-women legislation bills being introduced, and passed, through Michigan legislative processes. 

Since the debacle of MI HR 5711-13 became news fodder for the entire nation and beyond the Governor has still not denounced the lack of progress in economic areas while his party continues to pander to Catholic Bishops, Right to Life of Michigan and Family Values groups and voters, many of those with strong West Michigan ties to Snyder’s home turf.

Recently it was reported that Gov Snyder quietly requested Michigan legislators to cool their pro-life agenda heels but publicly he has not issued any guarantees of veto to Michigan voters.

Please call and write and fax the Governor’s office and tell him “it is time for him to make a public statement about where he will stand on these bills.” 

Also, call your media outlets and ask them to press Governor Snyder of Michigan for a statement about where he will stand on these bills!

PHONE: (517) 373-3400
PHONE: (517) 335-7858 - Constituent Services
FAX:(517) 335-6863

Governor Rick Snyder
P.O. Box 30013
Lansing, Michigan 48909

Northern Michigan Office
234 West Baraga Avenue
Marquette, MI

Washington D.C. Office
444 N. Capitol Street, Northwest
Hall of the States, Suite 411
Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 624-5840

Liberty Chooses Her Own Destiny

The Spittin’ Sister from Michigan speaks: On the original posting of this note on our Spittin Out the Pitts facebook page above a reader asked what was I trying to say with this picture. The painting is called Liberty Leading the People by Eugene Delacroix painted in 1830, exhibited in the Salon in 1831 and hangs permanently in the Louvre. You can find more about the painting’s history here.

Yes, it is revolutionary art (French), and the meaning for me lies in the fact that many cultures depict liberty as a woman. In America, we have the Statue of Liberty as a beacon of hope and welcome and she still stands as so, for now. 

Liberty is a concept lost to the ladies when religious and conservative forces are calling the shots to control our bodies. This message above is imploring women to recognize that their individual freedoms are at stake and that we must be leaders to uphold standards of freedom to choose our own destinies. 

Harlots in the Kitchen l Sinful & Saucy Kahlua Chocolate Cupcakes

The Spittin’ Sister in Philadelphia is on a mission, a slightly paranoid pursuit about the derivation of devil’s food cake. Are such saucy cakes forbidden in the kitchens of good Christian women? It wouldn’t surprise me. 

Digging for the truth about Joe Pitts and his intentions for the body parts of American women, I returned to a really upsetting piece that I wrote in 2011: ‘Here This, Rick Perry, If Oprah Is A Harlot, I Am A Harlot, Too.’ 

I was stopped dead in my tracks with International House of Prayer evangelist Mike Bickle calling Oprah the forerunner of the Antichrist. This is how feminists are demonized in America. Suddenly being called a slut by Rush Limbaugh, isn’t so bad. Better a slut than the anti-Christ. 

In fact, new research says that feminists are not only superb moms, but they readily embrace helicopter parenting. To suggest that feminists hate kids is just more dirty, rotten right wing lies. 

The Spittin’ Sisters shared Sinful & Saucy Kahlua Chocolate cupcakes on the Fourth of July. The Spittin’ Sister from Michigan swears they are divine and truly sublime.

Gertrude Stein & Alice B. Toklas l Science, God and Alice’s Chicken 

The Spittin’ Sister in Philadelphia writes: Gertrude Stein and Alice Tolkas proved to be a power-duo in Paris during the early 20th century. 


True trailblazers for women, Gertrude and Alice remind us of the importance of the mind, intellectual thought, and creative problem solving for life’s challenges. Not only did Gertrude and Alice believe in the power of art; they embraced science. 

The rejection of science is a cornerstone of thought among the Joe Pitts crowd. They suspend all judgement, discovery, and intellectual argument. Why? Intellect isn’t arrogance, and yet this is the very argument at the center of Joe Pitts’ life philosophy. 

To think is going against God! That’s what I call backing American discovery and innovation into a corner. 50 years ago Americans didn’t have to choose between God and science.


Gertrude and Alice would not approve!!! What’s marvelous about these ladies is that Alice could both think and cook well. Most women can without a struggle.

First published in 1954, ‘The Alice B. Toklas Cookbook’ was a great success. More critical thinking and Alice’s chicken recipe made with ruby port, orange juice and heavy cream in Spittin’ Sisters News.