From Babylon to Britain: The World's Largest Hanging Flower Basket

I say the Brits can be so competitive. While Americans were having tne biggest Presidential swearing in ceremony Tues. our beloved Brits refused to concede the day.

Wait a moment. Hotel Indigo is part of the American-owned Intercontinental chain. This flower basket caper is an American idea.

With the objective of promoting the unique design of London’t new Hotel Indigo, a boutique hotel in Paddington, hotel management installed a massive 20ft by 10ft floral extravaganza, billed as the world’s largest hanging basket.

Inspired by the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the world, the “Hanging Gardens of Paddington” is filled with over 100 different varieties of plants and flowers.

I’m a tad concerned about a Babylonian, “big is better” marketing message in the midst of our global economic meltdown, but we are talking flowers here. Who can resist?

Let’s others ask the question: “Who will water the flower basket?”

I want to know if the flower basket is available for a Presidential date night picnic?

As for Intercontinental’s Hotel Indigo, I’ll have a look for photos of the hotel. Got them. More to come.

via London Daily Mail Online


Here you go with the Indigo Paddington Hotel’s website and a business article on this boutique chain, which will open three more small London hotels in the near future.

A room at the Indigo Paddington Hotel