Wendy Bevan & Her Passionate Polaroids

Polaroid Lives!

Good news for Polaroid people! The Boston Herald reports that a Dutch company plans to revive the iconic film scheduled to depart the face of Planet Earth by the end of 2009.

As always, the Europeans arrive to rescue — and most often initiate — the special idea, the small creative jewel that won’t sell a billion but will make a small, devoted audience very happy.

These precious niches keep a more organic creativity and self-expression alive in the digital age.

Called The Impossible Project, the Austrian businessman who bought film production equipment from Polaroid Corp. and leased an old factory in Amsterdam, will reintroduce the film by next year.

Wendy Bevan Photography

A contemporary artist shooting in old-fashioned Polaroid is fashion photographer Wendy Bevan.

In her interview with Don’t Panic magazine, Bevan talks about her Polaroid shoots: I love the magic of the Polaroid, and the instant beauty that I am able capture within each sheet of film is unique every time. It allows me to work freely and express the most intricate of details subtly.Indeed I have an affection for the format. It is wonderful. The properties of the film naturallyevoke the feeling ofnostalgia,through its dream-like qualities.

I shared my own non-pro Polaroid moments a few weeks ago: Slow Boat to Economic Heaven: Grim Reality Polaroid Days

Without ignoring or running from the weight of challenging economic news this week, keeping Polaroid film “alive” for a growing number of nostalgic moment-takers seems tied to our hopes for a New Age, one in which might isn’t always right.

Here’s to the little people!

Tip via notcot.

Love, Anne