J'Adore: Tanjong Benoa Hotel in Bali

Fleeing the scene of my maiden Food Porn Spotting Kindred Spirit Post, I couldn’t resist a new blog click or two.

Like Alice falling into the rabbit hole, I plunged out of pink marshmallows and into the night air of Bali … in 10 seconds or less.

Just yesterday, I was speaking with a new friend about vertical pools, his view of the Atlantic Ocean from a house on Fire Island.

I explained the magnificent vertical pools in Bali, at the Amankila Resort. Just telling the pool story transported me back to the Balinese night reflections in the pools, the exotic sounds of lunar creatures nipping at my drunk-with-desire bare feet, climbing the steps to the top of the hill.

And now … voila! I’m in Bali two nights in a row, via another sensual kitchen blog 5 Types of Sugar and Other Treats. Hmmm.

Truly trying to resist the pull of hot photos, as they bore down on my senses, I struggled to be free. Too late. I’ve drunk the champagne, and I’m done for.

I see everything … the sensual delight … the embarassment. Was that poor young man really carrying all those suitcases to the villa at the top of the hill?

Be honest, Anne. It took a small army to carry a month’s worth of around-the-world suitcases up the hill. You were mortified watching the spectacle!

Then your Loretta Young moment … throwing open the door to greet the morning … naked, and not alone in your celebration of the Balinese sunrise. The young man from the hotel was placing flowers in the altar outside your door.

He looked down … away … where to go. You gasped!

Sorry, my friends. when I saw these photo, I was lost in a total reverie. Instead of writing about a floating hotel in Sweden, I’m lost in the exoticism of these photos . .. this night … I want to live it now.

5 Types of Sugar was a bad boy, not telling us the name of the hotel. He makes me work for this pleasure, if I want to share it with you properly.

It should be enough to say … aren’t these photos of some hotel in Bali just fabulous! No can do.

To be fair, we know they’re in the Tanjong Benoa, Bali and there are many more sights from Bali on the blog. Having gone to work and reviewed the hotels in this region, it appears that the hotel is the Conrad Bali Resort & Spa Hotel.

Thank you; thank you 5 Types of Sugar for giving us this delight. I will have the sweetest dreams tonight and a smile on my face, drifting halfway around the world for a skinny-sipping dive into that private pool.

There are no Balinese gods and goddesses that require honoring at this hour. I’ll be alone … well maybe not alone, but surely invited guests only. Sorry … invited guest only … as in one …

I wouldn’t want you to get the wrong idea. This is a PG13 blog … my dear Anne of Carversville.

Bon soir, Anne

Anne’s Journal: Totally Exposed by Niskala Spirits in Amankila, Bali