Cynthia Nixon Covers Vogue Czech September 2020 by Cameron Postforoosh

American actor and progressive activist Cynthia Nixon covers the September 2020 issue of Vogue Czechoslovakia — dedicated to HOPE. Alicia Lombardini styles Nixon in images by Cameron Postforoosh./ Hair by Rebekah Forcast; makeup by Matin

Is Sex and the City was written today, “Miranda would be gay” writes Vogue Czechoslovakia. about their cover star. For her role as Miranda Hobbes of ‘Sex and the City’, Nixon won an Emmy in 2004 for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series — an award announced by Donald Trump.

Announcing her 2018 run for the Democratic nomination of governor for New York State against incumbent and current Governor Andrew Cuomo, Nixon told Variety: “Do I wish I had gotten my Emmy from somebody else? Yes, I do. Absolutely I do. But, it’s not like he picked me. He just passed off the trophy.”

Cynthia Nixon’s third child Max Ellington Nixon-Marinoni, with current spouse Christine Marinoni arrived on Feb. 7, 2011, and is not the baby boy in her fashion story. Nixon is a feminist and women’s rights — and motherhood rights — activist 24/7.

The New York Times profiled the couple in September 2018: Beside Cynthia Nixon, a Potential First Lady to Blaze a Trail of Her Own

Returning to Vogue Czech Chelsea Fairless and Lauren Garroni publish a major article about Nixon in the September 2020 issue, inspired by their 2019 book We Should All Be Mirandas and their Instagram Every Outfit on Sex & the City

In August, Nixon was interviewed in The Sunday Times Style UK, where she talked about her son Samuel’s (previously daughter Samantha’s) trans status.