GUESS Masters 'La Dolce Vita' with Holiday 2023-24 Campaign at Villa Alpebella

It wasn’t until AOC wrote about Georgina Rodriguez’s Fall 2023 GUESS campaign, shot at Madrid’s Santo Mauro Hotel, that we understood the strength of the GUESS brand in southern Europe.

When a woman with 50M followers on IG, who is the partner of soccer legend Cristiano Ronaldo and mother of six children with him, appears in a GUESS campaign, we sat up straight in our chairs this summer and began researching.

GUESS Holiday Campaign 2023/24 in Forte dei Marmi

GUESS returns to southern Europe for the Holiday 2023/24 campaign, lensed at the Villa Alpebella in Forte dei Marmi, Italy. In August, 2023 GUESS opened a store in Forte dei Marmi with a grand party at Villa Alpebella, owned by the Bocelli family, led by famous tenor Andrea Bocelli.

Considered to be the finest classical tenor in the world by many audiences, the father of Alpebella was born visually impaired, with congenital glaucoma. At the age of 12, Bocelli became completely blind, following a brain hemorrhage resulting from a football accident.

The Italian singer Matteo Bocelli, one of Andrea Bocelli’s three children, is featured in the new GUESS Holiday 2023/24 campaign, appearing with Albanian model and singer Oriola Marashi.

Ukrainian female duo Vicoolya [photographer] & Saida [stylist and art director] [IG] created the campaign. They are best friends who handle everything connected to a shoot: makeup, hair, styling, location, lighting, photographing, retouching... Vicoolya & Saida handle everything.

Italy’s Renaissance Climbs Higher

In this moment when Italy and Italian slow living, discreet luxury values are dominating the retail landscape, Forte dei Marmi is enjoying a renaissance.

Prada Group acquired the historic Caffè Principe in November 2022, reopening it July 9, 2023, with its legacy intact.

Caffe Principe's reputation as a meeting point for intellectuals, artists, and stylish locals has endured through the years. Bought at auction, Prada Group has restored Caffè Principe to it former glory.

Back to the GUESS Holiday 2023/24 Campaign. Watching it now, I remember why I used to kiss the ground when my plane landed on Italian soil, typically once a month. ~ Anne