Sunday Best Style 'Kith and Kin' by Nadine Ijewere for WSJ Magazine September 2020

In June, life in England was just venturing out of lockdown, inspiring 12 UK-based models to venture out with their loved ones at a farm in Hertfordshire, England. Waiting onsite were British photographer Nadine Ijewere and stylist Kate Phelan, prepared to create a fashion story ‘Kith and Kin’ (friends and family) that celebrates Sunday-best fashion in the Black community and Black culture. The fashion shoot was headed to America, the WSJ Magazine September 2020 issue.

Impacted by the recent death of George Floyd and protests gaining momentum worldwide, the fashion shoot took on an important meaning for the creatives. “When you put fabulous fashion in a real situation, it feels more important, it feels more relevant,” Phelan shared Equipped with PPE, both Phelan and Ijewere found that working on a socially distanced set was a welcome challenge. “It was my first shoot back [after lockdown],” Ijewere says. “It was an amazing one to start with.”

The cast includes Aaliyah Hydes, Adwok Lualdeng, Caren Jepkemei, Catriona Frean, Charlotte Killick, Eman Deng, Georgina Killick, Jacqui Akinlosotu, Kukua Williams, Isla, Margaux, Melody Lulu-Brigge, Precious Kevin, Pwoch Lualdeng,and Yvette Fontalio./ Hair by Shiori Takahashi; makeup by Celia Burton