Queen of the North Sophie Turner by Arthur Elgort for ELLE UK April 2020

Louis Vuitton ambassador Sophie Turner is styled by Beth Fenton in images by Arthur Elgort for ELLE UK April 2020 issue.

We find The Queen of the North in Venice Beach, CA, far away from her quiet schoolgirl life in Warwickshire. Sophie suffered greatly in ‘Game of Thrones’ nine seasons, but she prevailed mightily in the end, leading her kingdom to independence.

In 2019 Turner was nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series.married Joe Jonas in May and confirms in her interview with Mike Sager that she was not a Jonas Brothers fan growing up.

‘My friends and I were not Jonas Brothers fans. We liked Busted. They had a hit called Year 3000, it was amazing. We were huge fans. Then the Jonas Brothers covered the song and made it massive, and Busted broke up. It was all the Jonas Brothers’ fault. So we hated them.’

Fast forward to 2016, when Turner was working on a film and one of the producers, who had once lived next door to the Jonas Brothers, told her, ‘You should meet Joe Jonas, I feel like you would really get along with him.’

Not long afterwards, she says, ‘I went to a meeting and Joe’s agent was in the room. And he was like, “You remind me of one of my clients. I bet you two would really hit it off.”’