'Under the Sea' by Julien Martinez Leclerc for More or Less Magazine FW 2019/2020

Models Aivita Mūze and Paula Anguera are styled by Charlotte Collet in sustainability-conscious fashions. Photographer Julien Martinez Leclerc captures ‘Under The Sea’ for More or Less Magazine Fall/Winter 2019/2020./ Hair by Kiyoko Odo; makeup by Siobhan Furlong; set design by Georgina Pragnell

More or Less Magazine is another new shopping publication hoping to responsibly address the challenges of consumption and fashion. Vogue US interviewed its founder Jaime Perlman, with her deep roots in the fashion industry including Vogues, in May 2018.

More Or Less is not another magazine showcasing only current-season fashion. Vintage, army surplus, sportswear, old school uniforms, craft, rubbish – all are fair game. 

A symptom of our see-now-buy-now, click-to-buy modernity is immediate gratification and overindulgence. In this rapid-fire exchange, little time is devoted to asking “Do I need this? Do I even want this?”

Another positive decision made by More or Less Magazine — and the shopping experience that is the foundation of its responsible consumption perspective — is to sponsor young photographers.

We are also forging a relationship with Red Hook Labs, a Brooklyn-based organisation that teaches photography – every issue we’ll mentor a student (two this issue) and publish their work.