Meinke Klein Captures 'Culture Club' Style for ELLE France January 6, 2022

Meinke Klein Captures 'Culture Club' Style for ELLE France January 6, 2022 AOC Fashion

Photographer Meinke Klein [IG] delivers a high-impact fashion story ‘Culture Club’ starring models Gabriella Michelazzo, Kaigin Yong, Mopesola and Olamide Ogundele. Aurelia Donaldson styles the fashion quartet in disco hues for the January 6, 2022 issue of ELLE France./ Hair by Yuri Kato; makeup by Pamela Cochrane

Note: a smaller version of the fashion story also appears in ELLE UK December 2021.

Danny Kasirye Flashes Haute Simplicity for Town & Country April 2021

Danny Kasirye Flashes Haute Simplicity for Town & Country April 2021

Models of Carla Pereira and Olamide Ogundele appear in ‘It’s Actually Quite Simple’, a more understate look at haute couture. Mike Adler styles the duo in images by Danny Kasirye [IG} for Town & Country April 2021./ Hair by Charlotte Mensah; set design by Trish Stephenson