Kim Kardashian, 2023 GQ Mogul of the Year on What She Learned from Her Father

Kim Kardashian, 2023 GQ Mogul of the Year on What She Learned from Her Father

AOC sharing Kim Kardashian’s December 2023 cover story for GQ’s Men of the Year Issue — just in time for Father’s Day.

KK wears the crown of Tycoon of the Year, and appropriately so.

Photographer Jack Bridgland [IG] captures the many sides of Kim Kardashian for this GQ mogul spread, with an interview by Sean Manning.

AOC shares the Kardashian expectation that she wil take the California Bar exam late in 2024 or early 2025. In every article written about Kim, the topic of her self-discipline and very organized mind is the headliner.

The woman is amazing.

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