'Romance of the Forest' by Erik Madigan Heck for Harper's Bazaar UK June 2024

'Romance of the Forest by Erik Madigan Heck for Harper's Bazaar UK June 2024 AOC Fashion

Photographer Erik Madigan Heck [IG] delivers another of his visually sumptuous fashion stories so perfect for Harper’s Bazaar UK’s [IG] June 2024 issue. Chloe Hartstein styles ‘The Romance of the Forest’ featuring American model Ali Michael./ Hair by Andre Gunn; makeup by Sarah Uslan

Photographers have different visions of what they want their Instagrams to be — strictly business or a mix of all that matters to them.

Not only is Erik Madigan Heck’s IG always visually interesting, but it helps AOC spread his intentions and the story of his own life and work. Stated simply — we spread his fairy dust in a world desperately in need of nature-inspired sparkles and our shared values.

Via Erik Madigan Heck Instagram

In this sequence of three images greeting us today, we read a devoted birthday message to the photographer’s mother, who passed four years ago at age 66-7.

This February, the photographer also participated in a Sotheby’s Talks London ‘150 Years of Impressionism’ panel — which AOC will try to track down for the video.

Lastly, Erik Madigan Heck photographed US President Joe Biden at The White House on President’s Day 2024 for the New York Times Magazine.