Find Your Sensual, Sovereign Self With Lone Morch In Paris

By Anne’s friend Lone Morch All images by Lone Morch

Phoenix Rising!

Life is full of paradoxes. On one hand we live in an exciting time of paradigm shift from a failing patriarchy to a more feminine path and deeper consciousness of who we are, as both cosmic and human beings. Women of the West have taken the holy man, Dalai Lama’ s word to heart - that we are indeed the ones the world has been waiting for, to save the world. (Read The Feminine Fad: about power, truth, & the new feminine at Divinely Furious.)

Women hold the power to rise like phoenixes (Anne’s favorite theme) from the ashes of the falling patriarchy and create a harmonious world of people, plants, animals, stars and gods. Many of us are busy getting on that train and doing our part, self included.

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