Smart Sensuality Woman Greta Scacchi Bares All on Behalf of Fish

Note to readers: One person did complain to Google about Greta Scacchi’s campaign poster photo for sustainable fish. It remains in our cache, per Google, but I want to call out the photo in advance.

Yummy Mummy British actress Greta Scacchi’s decision to put her gorgeous, 49-year-old body to work on behalf of overfishing is an escalating trend among Smart Sensuality activist women.

A defining trait of Smart Sensuality women is that they do not deny their physicality and typically work to cultivate a public persona that encompasses their sensuality/sexuality. Theirs is a more French, Italian or Brazilian approach than American one.

American women are notoriously uncomfortable being perceived as sensual and competent at the same time.

Years after the second wave of feminism, we continue to struggle with the good girl/bad girl aspect of sensuality. American women also believe that we lose our physical desireability much earlier than women in other countries.

Thankfully, there are exceptions to this negative, self-defeating mindset, even in America. We are called Smart Sensuality women.

Smart Sensuality American women do not believe that life is downhill physically after 28 — which is the peak age for American and British women surveyed by Clairol and, more thoroughly, by Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty. Like French, Italian and Brazilian women, Smart Sensuality women believe they’s ‘hot’ at 45.

In America, Smart Sensuality women like Michelle Obama, Susan Sarandon, and Jennifer Lopez know that they’re not washed up at 28. We remain less inclined than women in other countries, to take our clothes off in an act of Cultural Creative activism.

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