More Anorexia in Kids | Are Girls Afraid of Getting Curves?

Seeking to confirm the just-cited Psychology Today statistic that 40 percent of women will suffer from anorexia or bulimia in florid or subclinical form at some time in their college career, we discovered a new article at Le Figaro English saying that children from 5 to 15 are increasingly being diagnosed with anorexia.

A recent study published by British National Health Service (NHS) reported that some 100 kids from age 5 to 7 were hospitalized in the UK for severe anorexia over the past year. Some 100 other children aged 8 to 9 years-old suffer from the same plight. Overall, among the 2,000 young British from  5 to 15 years old were admitted to hospital for this eating disorder including nearly 600 under the age of 13. The phenomenon has largely been underestimated, and some health care facilities have refused to share their data on the young patients.

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