Robyn Lawley 'Size Does Matter' Chelsea Exhibit By Kenneth Willardt

We have no word on any car pileups in New York’s Meatpacking District, as speeding taxis, ubers and luxury drivers headed for the suburbs collided with the massive visual billboard of a 6’2”, nude model Robyn Lawley frolicking with animals. Indeed, even in Manhattan, it’s possible for this Auusie girl to slow down the masters of the universe. 

We’ve always said ‘Size does matter’ except when the topic is McMansions. In that case, we adore the tiny house movement. Photographer Kenneth Willardt also believes that ‘Size does matter’, and he adores Robyn Lawley.

“There are two things I love, women and animals, so it was just a perfect combination,” the photographer told Refinery 29. “It wouldn’t interest me to have her clothes on. My personal work is nudity; I think it’s more honest. The nude body, that’s what really interests me, what captures me. It’s shown here in a different way, maybe make people look at things in a new, refreshed way.”

Lawley is known for being unenthusiastic about being labeled a ‘plus size’ model, believing that all models should be on a single board.

When queried about his muse being ‘plus size’, Willardt reponded “I don’t know what plus-size means … She’s 6’ 2”, and she’s a curvy girl, so [the industry] can take up that discussion with themselves. My images are not about plus-size or not plus-size, for me she’s a curvy girl and that’s what interests me.” When asked about the show’s title, “Size Does Matter,” Willardt explained “Well, size does matter…in every way. However [size] matters to the viewer, that’s what’s important to them.”

Bottom line, Robyn Lawley looks sensual to die for, a strong and powerful woman capable of seducing everything from rabbits to panthers. Good show, Robyn and Kenneth!

The photographer’s exhibit ‘Size Does Matter’ will run from November 8-December 8, 2013 at Chelsea’s 558 Gallery West 21St.