Where Art Thou Neosexual Man? Your Fair Lady Calls

Updated 7-23-10, images from Sensuality News:

Jake Gordon, imaged by Kylie Coutts for the current issue of Australia’s Cream Magazine. Not only does Jake Gordon qualify as a neosexual man, but the timing of his arrival is interesting, based on new learnings from the global AskMen.com survey of 100,000 guys eager to talk.

A new term — neosexual — is raging through Australia and New Zealand. Since its introduction in July 2009, we’re still waiting for the neosexual guy to gain 2010 traction. We could like him a lot.

Last summer we wrote:

Down with metrosexuals. they’re so over. The retrosexual backlash was total overkill. The new 21st century man - the neosexual - has emerged as the dominant player - and the man that women really want, at least for now.

The neosexual man is making his way through India and Argentina, too. I can’t read Spanish, but the references are widespread in South America. Can’t find the word ‘neosexual’ in British papers on Google, although the word ‘bloke’ in all the Aussie references should connect to the Britain press soon.

The Neosexual Guy

  • Physically and sexually strong
  • Able to make independent decisions (you heard me)
  • 72% of the women surveyed say they prefer a strong and determined man, who knows what he wants and achieves his goals.
  • In spite of all the talk about aggressive women in bed, 85% of women surveyed say they are turned on by passionate kisses. They like men to initiate sex because it makes them feel seductive and beautiful. (Nothing has changed, in spite of all the male-generated femmedom, cougar, MILF male fantasies. Men still gotta get it up for the occasion, and women 20-35 want to be desired and ‘taken’.)

“[Generation] Y women in their 20s and early 30s feel generally empowered to make choices that perhaps previous generations may not have had,” The Sydney Morning Herald quoted Salt, as saying.

True, these women are making choices about what they want, and guess what? They want guys to be more masculine and aggressive, yet sensitive and adoring of women. Yes, this is a more ‘traditional’ look at gender roles, but certainly not a return to “Father Knows Best.”

Scientists tell us the much of sexual attraction, desire and physical chemistry is anthropological. Biology isn’t necessarily destiny, but it counts. Previously, many feminists (not me, and I am one) threw cold water all over this assertion, arguing that gender differences were only based culturalization. Brain scans tell us something different.

See: What do women want in a man? A neosexual News.com.au

(Superb analysis, except for visual) Neosexual: the new male model Sydney Morning Herald

Back to the summer of 2010. Just yesterday we wrote: bring back romance. A corset can occasionally be good for women. Come on neosexuals? Are you hiding out there under another name? Don’t be a one trick pony.