The Science Behind the Health Benefits of Sex Is Solid

Americans like everything linear, with no circular, holistic thinking in our analysis of the health benefits of loving sex. “Does sex cure our health problems or not? Answer in 100 words or less and bullet-point the answer!”  

Positive sexual activity and good health are intertwined in our bodies and spirits, reinforcing each other to build a solid foundation of physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Isn’t that a more intelligent answer?

Much of the research is now linear and causal, demonstrating without a doubt certain important health benefits of sex. Other findings are relational. 

Delivering scientific, documented information to you on the health benefits of sex is my top job. The findings will either persuade you or leave you unconvinced. Personally, I have no doubts that high-quality sexual intimacy is my fountain of youth.

Read on now for a quickie overview of key health benefits of responsible pleasure and positive sexuality: Loving Relationships | 32 Health Benefits of Sex