Laptops Raise Testicle Temperature Two Degrees An Hour, Causing Infertility

Depending on your point of view, computer laptop porn could serve as a form of birth control in men. And guys, if parenthood is your goal, definitely don’t get yourself in the mood for lovemaking watching a lot of online porn.

Padua University researchers measured temperature variations in the testicles of men using a portable computer on their laps. While the study didn’t focus on guys watching online porn — after all they could be reading the Wall Street Journal or ESPN — we all known that a high probability of males manage to work in a heavy dose of babe watching each day.

“Up till now there had only been empirical observations that suggested an increased testicle temperature can affect the production of sperm,” researcher Carlo Foresta said, referring to known risks such as wearing tight pants, taking a sauna or suffering from a fever.

Shockingly, this habit can raise the temperature of the testicles by two degrees in an hour, creating a high risk of infertility over time. via UPI

Similar results were reported by Yelim Sheynkin, a urologist at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. His 2010 research reported an increase in men’s testicle temperature by 2.5 C in an hour. A laptop pad offered only marginal relief.

The American Urological Association reports nearly one in six couples in the United States have trouble conceiving. Male infertility occurs in half of the cases.