Donald Trump's Vision of Race-Baiting Patriotism Disgusts Me

HopeTracker| I endorse today’s NYTimes op ed A Certificate of Embarrassment, concerning the forces that led President Obama to release his long form birth certificate yesterday, for all the world to see. This episode — galvanized by Donald Trump who grabbed the microphone and took full credit for his noble crusade — is a low point in American life.

Hearing the birthers move now to questioning President Obama’s grades at Harvard tells us that the crusade against the President — because of his race — is not over.

It is time for people like myself to call the political activism among the birthers what it is — and that is racism. It is modern-day Ku Klux Klan activism based on a vision of white racial superiority.

I was never a strong supporter of President Obama, because I am a Hillary Clinton woman. Nevertheless, I was proud of the election results and never questioned President Obama’s intellectual competence or his heritage.

Personally, I wanted a decisive, experienced person at the helm in these turbulent economic and military times. Under no circumstances would I have voted Republican after the Bush years.

Wondering About George W Bush’s Academic Scores

When George W Bush became president of the United States, I used to scream at the TV, hearing him speak. I found his vocabulary, vision and communication abilities very limited.

Under no circumstances would I ever have supported a movement to demand that his transcripts be released, even though I seriously doubt that the former president is any kind of intellectual genius.

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