ABC Shows Radical, Biblical Punishment of Baptist Church Sect

At Anne of Carversville, we are very open about the fact that we are now terrified of the Republican Party.

I am part of a group organizing to try to help moderate women of both parties get elected to public office. We will take Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins any day of the week but the Sarah Palin, Michel Bachmann crowd scares the wits out of us, calling for our submission to God.

This massive problem in America is not about being a Republican or Democrat. It is about the separation of church and state in America.

When former Democratic Rep Bart Stupak said that his allegiance to God (and the Vatican) was higher than his allegiance to the Supreme Court of America, I knew then that I live in a very different country today. When Stupak referred to women as ‘incubators’ during the healthcare debate, a chill went up my spine. Stalin talked that way, too.

I have never been so afraid in America in my life, except when I was under police protection for a year in the 70s. Roe vs Wade was upheld by the Supreme Court and I said something on a Buffalo TV show that warranted my being stalked for a year with constantly expressed intentions to kill me. My crime was exercising free speech in America on a law supported by the US Supreme Court.

ABC’s Elizabeth Vargas Investigates The Independent Fundamental Baptist Church

Branded a harlot devil of a woman by the kind of men you listen to the Elizabeth Vargus Yearlong Investigation into The Independent Fundamental Baptist Church, which aired on Friday April 8, 2011 ABC investigation in these tapes, I deserved to die in America.

As crazy as it all sounds, when you listen to these men, my own story is suddenly very believable. It is also correct to say that abortion doctors in Buffalo die. The ABC extensive article is called: Biblical Reform, School Discipline: Tough Love or Abuse.

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A reader has tried to get my attention for over a year —  since the Laura Silsby episode around the Haitian orphans.  She is investigating and trying to call attention with others, to the abuse that she lived with years ago in an orphanage, part of a large American congregation that I will not name. I cannot help her without thoroughly reading the material myself, and there is just no time right now, when my plate is overflowing with new attempts to silence American women.

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