2013 Is A Year Of Revelation & Artistic Rejuvenation for Anne

‘Black Dahlia by photographer Khoa Bui

2013 is upon us and I’m wondering what to do next. One can make New Year’s resolutions and fall off the wagon quickly. But even when one is resolute, keeping promises may be out of one’s hands.

I’m almost embarassed by the post I wrote for New Year’s 2012 focused on my new friendship with a brother in the Catholic Church. Problem is that when a group of potential investors read about the brother’s connection with Anne — aka Jezebel the Harlot — all hell broke loose.

My entire month of January was torturous, as Easemine board members resigned over me — the person who stood to help them the most. Brother Dennis took me down a path that I resisted strongly at first, reminding him that the Catholic Church and I are no perfect match.

“I’ll protect you,” he assured me repeatedly. Instead, he was sobbing in a state of total collapse on the other end of my phone.

“Are you ill?” I asked him between his heaves of emotion. Then, having a light bulb moment after a month of playing defense with the finger-waggers, I said “Is it me?”

Agreeing to cut all his public ties to me — because the good brother had to, after all, to build his charity — Easemine now appears to be out of business. I guess the money guys didn’t step up to the plate after all, even after creating one of the most sorrowful months in my life in decades.

‘Opus in Red’ by Kate Scott

Talk Is Cheap

Reflecting now on 2013, as the world’s women swim in the seismic waves of ‘50 Shades of Grey’, I want to tell them that sexual fantasy is splendid and should be kept separate from the real deals of everyday living and broken promises. Submission really isn’t as tasty as it sounds in the paddling embrace of Christian Grey.

If I struck out with my 2012 resolution to build a meaningful relationship with the Catholic Church — a joke in our post Nuns on the Bus America — what can I do for 2013.

Write, damn it!

365 Days of Sensual Rebel Sex Talk

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